Self Portrait, Wu Ming, History Professor at National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Self Portrait, Courtesy: Wu Ming

Wu Ming, of Hakka ancestry, was born in Hualien, Taiwan in 1959.  He studied History at Tunghai University for his undergraduate. He received his PhD in History from National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan.  He was the chief executive editor for Unitas (聯合文學). Now he holds the position of History professor at NCCU. With a passion for classical music and a great love for Chinese calligraphy, Wu Ming is also a prolific writer; he writes articles reflecting his perceptions on life, art, and nature.  In his youth he loved to write about childhood experience living on the farm, and between 1960 and 1980 he wrote about the farmers’ lives in remote regions of Hualien.

His talents in writings have won him several major awards in Taiwan including the National Literature Award by Ministry of Education, Literature Award by China Times, Golden Literature Award by Defense Department, and others.

Since 1984 he has published eleven books with essays such as “Journeys of Life 浮生逆旅”,  seven books on history, among them “Historical Geography and Modern Chinese Historiography 歷史地理學與現代中國史學” and so forth, and edited and co-authored many others.

My Articles:

陶壶 by Wu Ming, 2004-06-19
The Patterns of Life by Wu Ming , 2004-01-13 

My Publications:


1. 2007   《政治大學校史(1987-1996)》,臺北:國立政治大學,688pp。
2. 2003   《來去鯉魚尾》(旅行文學),臺北:紅樹林出版,176pp。
3. 2003a 《豐田和風情》(旅行文學),臺北:紅樹林出版,176pp。
4. 2000   《浮生逆旅》(散文),臺北:聯合文學出版社,220pp。
5. 1992   《我們在這裡分手》(散文),臺北:聯合文學出版社,182pp。
6. 1990   《素描的留白》(散文),臺北:漢藝色研文化公司,169pp。
7. 1988   《晚香玉的淨土》(散文),臺北:九歌出版公司,208pp。
8. 1988a 《結愛》(散文),臺北:圓神出版公司,207pp+vi。
9. 1987   《長堤向晚》(散文),臺北:九歌出版公司,253pp。
10. 1985 《心路》(散文),臺中:晨星出版社,253pp+vi。
11. 1984 《湖邊的沈思》(散文),臺北:九歌出版公司,232pp。

1. 2002a 《晚清的經世史學》,臺北:麥田出版,388pp+xiv;256,956字。
2. 2002   《臺灣史學的中國纏結》,臺北:麥田出版,294pp+viii;168,939字。
3. 2001   《中文報業王國的興起:王惕吾與聯合報系》,臺北:稻鄉出版社,258pp+x;144,059字。
1. 1995   《歷史地理學與現代中國史學》,臺北:東大圖書公司,423pp+ix。
2. 1995a 《舉頭三尺有神明:中和地區的寺廟與聚落發展》,臺北:臺北縣立文化中心,271pp+ix。
3. 1995b      《歷史花蓮》(通俗歷史讀本),花蓮:洄瀾文教基金會,185pp+viii。
4. 1991   《疑古思想與現代中國史學的發展》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,262pp+i。

1. 2000   《高中文化史》,臺南:南一書局;撰寫第4, 5, 9章;與王文裕、葉高樹合著。
2. 2000a 《高中文化史.教師手冊》,臺南:南一書局;撰寫第4, 5, 9章;與王文裕、葉高樹合著。
3. 1997   《認識臺灣:社會篇》,臺北:國立編譯館;國民中學教科書;撰寫5章11節;與林富士合著。
4. 1997a 《認識臺灣:社會篇教師手冊》,國民中學教科書教師手冊,臺北:國立編譯館;撰寫參考資料部分;與朱桂芳合著。

My City: Taipei, Taiwan
My Schools: Tunghai University
My Major: History
My Interests after age of 50: Chinese calligraphy Chinese brush painting
My Facebook: 彭明輝
My Most Admired People:

Zhang, Dai, Most Admired Chinese Scholar by Wu Ming, Professor/Writer, Taiwan
Zhang, Dai (張岱1597-1680)

Chen Yinke, Most Admired Chinese Scholar by Wu Ming, Professor/Writer, Taiwan
Chen, Yinke (陳寅恪 1890-1969)

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